Thursday, November 29, 2007

a hundred hearts

When I was still in high school and have never fallen in love,
I accepted that I have a hundred hearts of different sizes.

Each of them has a special role...

In my heart of hearts they stay,
waiting in silence for the right time.
As they keep watch they do not pale nor get tired.
They knew that the magic moment will come.

Thus I grew, and I learned to understand.
I learned to give a heart for each of the ones I love,
my family and those near and dear to me...
and I have learned to give even to strangers
who have become my friends.

I also learned that if I give a heart,
I will not feel a loss nor an emptiness inside.

And most of all...

I learned that if I pick one and give it out,
I may or may not receive one in return.

But the very act of giving is the gift itself for me.
And I was never afraid to give out my hearts.

So if the time will come when you decide
to give out one of those hearts... do.
Then watch it grow everyday.

Just remember this though..
once it is given away, it is not yours anymore.
And the one who holds it now can do anything with it.

For they can just leave it alone, and pretend it is not there at all.

I have a hundred hearts inside me.

Photo credit: Leanne_Eddie