Thursday, April 05, 2007

the art of doing nothing

It really does not take much effort to let one's mind wander.

Into dark cold uncharted territories or the familiar old road hidden from prying eyes... and then again, I veer off.

Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain?
Can we just stop and talk awhile?
Would you rather have a gorilla attack you or a crocodile?
… Who are you to me?

Was Nat King Cole really a merry old soul?
Do you know the way to San Jose?
Why do people touch and then they're gone?
Why do you lose your heart when you win in love?

Why does this woman think she can speak among men?
What's wrong with rainy days and Mondays?
Why do they fail to put fallen Humpties together again?
Have you ever seen blue like that before?

What does the summer know?
Do you believe that what goes around comes around?
How can a thing of a moment last for a lifetime?
Does Philippines need all of its islands?

Have I paid my pipers?
May I come for an interview?
Why is it wetter under the water?
Will you still love me tomorrow?

Where are the simple joys of maidenhood?
Would somebody come when I will cry wolf the third time?
Must some promises start with "If I were elected..."?
Why is goodbye the trouble with hello?

Where is the bus that would take us to heaven?
Is your figure less than Greek?
Do you remember the time?
… Who am I to you?

Oh, so what's the point?