Thursday, November 06, 2008

some classes to teach

Course Number:

Course Title:
Business Research

Course Description:
The course affords the student a look into the factors that make a business enterprise successful. The student realizes that a business entity is not put up overnight but that a thorough research into demand analysis, production, finance, marketing and economics is needed. Business research aims at maintaining competitive advantage and attaining organizational objectives efficiently.

General Objective:
At the end of the course, the student is expected to submit a business plan and to defend the plan before a panel.

Specific Objectives:
1. To introduce the student to the world of business research.
2. To illustrate how a thorough business research can aid in the formulation of a business plan.
3. To illustrate how a thorough business research increases the feasibility of a business plan.
4. To involve the student in the actual planning, organizing and strategizing for a business enterprise that they will actually be implementing.