Saturday, November 15, 2008

how to be a teacher

After a complete week of classes, I was already armed with the first paper submissions of the 170 students enrolled in the Business Management subject that I teach.

Angela, my undeniably 9-year old Mini Me, was reading the papers and checking out which one she would like. After picking up one with a respectable cover and with more features than the rest - because she said this one had a goal, and she liked that - Angela has lined up for me the Do's and Do Not's of teaching.

She was at it a good deal of the day so I asked her to write them on paper so I won't forget. Here are the seven points she laid down for me:

1. Once you get inside the classroom say "Good morning" or "Good afternoon".

2. Bad posture is bad so make sure they are seated properly. If they are not, say "Please sit properly: back straight and feet on the ground".

3. If you are discussing and you notice your students are not listening, call their attention for a "quiz" to check if they were listening.

4. Once you told them that you are having a "quiz", tell them you will only say the question 2 times.

5. If they talk to you not in English, do not entertain them.

6. If you want your class to enjoy, have fun or make fun with them at the end of your class.

7. Once you say goodbye, tell them to wait for their next teacher.

P.S. When they ask you why you are so strict or how did you get these ideas tell them: "You will/shall learn the basics in college if you want to be a teacher." Don't tell them your daughter (me) taught you.

The view from a grade school girl! My work load is just two hours a day. But oh boy. My business students will get a surprise next week!

Angela's photo by Mike Mendoza