Thursday, May 29, 2008

don't study for a blood test

I am not surprised to discover why I can count my close female friends with one hand only. Sympathy is what one woman offers another in exchange for details.

I think we should go slow with the tipping no matter how we want to impress our dates. Tips are the wages we pay to people who are actually hired by others.

Then: if you want to immortalize your name, you do something great that no one has ever done or attempted to do before. Now: you get on a forwarding email list.

That door between you seems so impenetrable. So you sit until you are called. But if the doctor makes you wait, let us make him wait until you finish the magazine.

I like stories told in whispers. They're like secrets made in cross-your-heart fashion. And if you promise me not to repeat something, it means you can tell it only once to somebody else.