Saturday, May 31, 2008

383 years total wisdom

I’m training-happy. I love venues for learning and gaining new information and I look forward to queuing up for courses like this Strategic Social Entrepreneurship Training. Actually I missed the original PEARL2 Executive Director Series a few years ago; I am just so lucky I tagged along and finally took this course.

With the presence and availability of various materials to read and listen and watch, it has become a battle for the mind: which is the data and information that we are to pick and prioritize. And I think that this is true whether you’re in government, in an academic institution, or in a business support organization like me. But I guess everyone here agrees that the SSE Training won the battle for our minds.

The five-day training for this Strategic Social Entrepreneurship Course presented business planning and preparation in a novel manner that as a participant, I didn’t know what hit me until we were asked a full-blown business plan as a prerequisite for completion of the training. I believe though that the method was done that way because of the assumption that the training participants are already familiar with the components of a business plan. And I think I am not wrong if we base it upon everyone's performance in the business plan presentation and defense exercise today.

Our training approach focused on basics and highlights, but for just a little refresher, we talked about Vision, Mission, Objectives, Key Result Areas, Performance Indicators, Strategies, Programs, Activities and Tasks. It’s quite a long list – so even if we forget one or two of them, or which order they come, I hope that we won’t forget the most important thing – that we package a project and program that does more than the expected motions, one that will not only answer the challenge of social entrepreneurship, but will ultimately become a part of the ongoing fulfillment of the promise of Mindanao.

As the Executive Director of the Cagayan de Oro Chamber of Commerce and Industry, let me convey my organization’s and my personal gratitude to PEARL2-CIDA and Capitol University for this opportunity. And to all my co-participants, with whom I was able to share in the joint 383 years of experience, and from whom I have learned so much, thank you.

- A Testimony
SSE Course Graduation Ceremony