and one and two and three
I often have lower back pains. A problem with my lumbar curve traceable to my scoliosis and fully amplified by my long hours in front of the desktop at the office or at home.
Ronnie set the mat exercises straight in a row during the night dance sessions this week. He knows I am not a fan of the mat, but he reminds me that it's good if I need to lose whatever I want to lose. Feeling the stretch from this night's duel on the floor between mat and me, I realize some of our regimen are indeed good for my spine and waist.
To give the body a vigorous toning up, stretch all muscles, particularly those of hips, legs and pelvis and make the spine more elastic, here are the forward bend moves:Forward Bend #1. Sit with legs apart. Bend right leg so that foot rests close to inner left thigh. Inhale then raise arms, stretching upward.
Forward Bend #2. Exhale then bend forward with head touching left knee (or as far forward as you can reach). Breathe freely and grasp left foot with both hands. If possible, bend elbows for a greater stretch. Hold pose for 10 seconds. Then inhale and slowly sit up with arms overhead as before. Exhale and lower arms to the sides. Repeat with left leg.
Forward Bend #3. Sit with legs together. Inhale then raise arms, stretching upward. Exhale and bend forward with head touching the knees (or as far down as you can reach). Breathing freely, grasp the big toes, with elbows touching the floor - if possible. Hold the pose for 10 seconds to feel the stretch in the legs, arms and spine. Inhale then slowly sit up with arms overhead. Exhale and lower arms to the sides. Repeat twice.
To strengthen weak muscles of the lumbar region, increase suppleness of spine and strengthen arms and wrists, here is how to do the bridge:Bridge #1. Lie flat on your back. Grasp waist with thumbs up, elbows bent and resting on the floor.
Bridge #2. Inhale while bending knees. With help of arms, arch spine as high as possible. Keep head on floor without straining the neck.
Bridge #3. Breathe freely as you slide the feet forward to create a wide bridge between head and feet. Hold the pose and your breathe for 5 seconds. Inhale as you lower the spine and legs. Exhale. Repeat three times.
And to bring about a strong cross pull of spinal column, increase elasticity of the spine, slim the waistline, release tension in back muscles and improve posture, here's an easy version of the spinal twist:Spinal Twist #1. Sit with legs outstretched and together. Bend left knee and cross left leg over right. Left foot should touch right knee. Right elbow is bent and rests on outer side of left knee. Left hand is stretched back, palm flat on floor.
Spinal Twist #2. Now stretch right hand to grasp the left foot, with elbow touching left knee. If you are unable to do this, then encircle your right arm around the left knee, bringing it close to your chest. Now place left hand behind back with back of hand touching spine. Inhale. Look up over your left shoulder, eyes toward the ceiling. Hold your breath and the pose for 5 seconds.
Play Brian McKnight. Dim the lights. Happy stretching!
* Clip art and instructions from Yoga For All Ages.