the fuss with chicken
Why are chickens afraid of the day after Thursday?
Because it's Fried Day.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
I still have to see them race.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
This chicken was like any other chicken. When it was still a very young chick it was full of ambitions and it was enthusiastic and this chick's parents were so proud you see. And while growing up the chick was with a dozen other siblings in that brood. And the chick knew it must be different and do something different. So this chick went to grade school and had a great time. Its favorite of all in the campus grounds was this swing. The chick would swing and make all the plans it wanted to do when it was already a fully-grown chicken. The chick grew healthy of mind and heart and when it reached high school it also suffered all the angst related with that age, see. When the chick enrolled in university it was sure it will enroll in Engineering. Upon graduating the five-year course, the chick, now a chicken, knew it isn't contented with that so it also pursued a course in Laws. The world will always have one more place for a lawyer, not matter how many the jokes they came up about lawyers. When finally the chicken accepted that it must live the rest of its life with the rooster of its dreams, the chicken finally realized that it must cross the road because the rooster is on the other side. And so the chicken did.