Thursday, May 31, 2007

arx you a kxy pxrson?

Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works quitx wxll xcxpt for onx of thx kxys. I havx wishxd many timxs that it workxd pxrfxctly; it is trux that thxrx arx 46 kxys that function wxll xnough, but juxt onx kxy not working makxs thx diffxrxncx.

Somxtimxs it sxxms to mx that cxrtain of our mxmbxrs arx somxwhat likx my typxwritxr - not all thx kxy pxoplx arx working propxrly. You may say to yoursxlf: "Wxll, I am only onx pxrson; I won't makx or brxak thx organization." But it doxs makx a diffxrxncx, bxcuasx an organization to bx xffxctivx nxxds activx participation of xvxry mxmbxr.

So thx nxxt timx you think you arx only onx pxrson and that your xfforts arxn't nxxdxd, rxmxmbxr my typxwritxr and say to yoursxlf: "I am a kxy pxrson in thx organization and I am nxxdxd."

* Thx abovx appxarxd in a British nxwspapxr

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

going home at day's end

When I was younger, I had the chance to be like any other young 'un. I was angry.

In this anger, I came up with a list of things I got to do before I could proclaim that I lived my life.

I should be able to get my license, plant a tree, love a man, bear a child, build a home, plow my land, write a book, and see Europe. Of all these, having my two beloved girls were the miracles. They even erased the anger.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

G is for georg

Morning bath in preparation for work is fun. Not in the company of a little yellow ducky, but fun just the same. Remembering the quaint quiz I took so I will gauge how girly I am, I know I can always challenge it during bath time.

I begin with Gillette's Foamy Lemon-Lime Shaving Cream. And though my need for the cream is genuine, I can always skip Brut's After Shave Lotion. But this morning, I splash it on just for the effect I wanted.

Starting the shower, I reach for Suave's Blue Shampoo For Men. Exhilarated, I lather on Dial's Hydrating Body Wash For Men. It's rich, it's cleansing and it's just right.

But what's with the naming of products and adding the words "For Men"? Like it could keep women like me from using them!

It's the clean crisp smell that draws me every time. Or that other thing. Like having the masculine scent rubbed on you. Oh, that other thing will win, hands down, forever.

Finish off with Bulgari's Blu Pour Homme Eau de Toilette. I take note of the white men's longsleeved cotton shirt I'll be sleeping in tonight and I clasp the big old solid titanium Fossil watch my husband gave me into my wrist. Slipping out of the bathroom, I grin - realizing that I got quite a lot to account to Mike. Haha!

Monday, May 28, 2007

the swirl of the skirt

You're 60% Girly!

You're a little girly, a little boyish,
and probably a whole lot indie.

You have your own unique style,
and it pretty much defies gender lines.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

spookily accurate

'Heaven,' they say, 'helps those who help themselves.' Nowhere is it written that heaven helps those who whinge, wine, moan and complain. No hand comes down from the clouds to scoop up the grumpy, the grouchy, the irritated and the exasperated. Outrage will never lead to salvation. You have feelings now about what's right or wrong in a certain situation. Sweep those feelings aside. Do what you know will help to improve matters, then you, in turn, will be offered the help you need.

These words of wisdom are, would you believe, from a zodiac forecaster's page.

I woke up when the subdivision security tolled the eleven o'clock signal. With visions of the tons of office work waiting for me, I knew I could not go back to sleep. So rather than waking up Mike for midnight conversation, which I know is the last thing he would want, I got up and edited for the last time the president's report for the Friday general membership meeting.

Then checking my email for the press release I needed from Katrina and the presentation material I was waiting from Blessy, I also accidentally found this queer character analysis page.

It's been some time now since I've read a daily horoscope. Maybe because I do not have the time anymore to browse the newspapers, or maybe I've gone beyond the silly and giddy I-wonder-what's-gonna-happen-today stage. But I've just stayed with Jonathan Cainer. And he makes an inspiring read!

I know it's only the arrangement of those sun signs. But fed by the human urge to understand himself better and just be better. And I so totally buy it.

Total eclipse photo: mrated

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

better than nothing

You think this life would make me bolder
But I'm running scared is all
I hang on everything about you

You think I'd settle down cuz I'm older
But I roll with the change is all
I'm same old trailer trash in new shoes

She gets sad when there's nothing going on
She says it makes her feel damn worthless

Well you got to think, with a girl like that
Any love at all is better than nothing
It's better than nothing

Put my hands around your shoulder
You're saying you're scared is all
I think I know too much about you

You think this life would make me colder
I'd give in to the alcohol
I put my loving arms around you, child

You knew damn well there was nothing going on
Is that what makes you feel damn worthless

Well you got to think, with a girl like that
Any love at all is better than nothing
It's better than nothing

Yeah she drags you down and she pulls you up
She pulls you up
Says that she's sorry now but it's not enough
To pull you up
She's sorry

I wake up quick just like I want to
Yeah but I stay out much too late
You think this life can get a bit unkind but she stays

Down till the worth is gone
And pulls you up, she pulls you up
She pulls you up and over and over

You gotta think, with a girl like that
Any love at all is better than nothing
It's better than nothing

Monday, May 21, 2007

stuck in my head

Earth, Wind and Fire plays an earworm as I sit down to write. Blame it on Ronnie, our dance instructor. He picked "Let's Groove" for our dance class tonight and now, aware of the overtime work still ahead of me, I'm planning to move myself and glide like a 747.

Since I'm not yet ready to do any technical writing, I played the song over again in my head. Smile smile. Well, dance class tonight was not so bad. We didn't get to bump and kick like we were cancan girls getting ready for a show. On second thought, if it is really necessary and world peace depended on it, perhaps we even can cancan!

All this dancing is making me feel like a girl. And Bert says that girls like to dance. Oh, I'm reminded. I am a girl! But am I really getting the needed workout from this gyrating and double stepping and traipsing around the dance room of Sports Avenue?

Feeling my back and hips, I guess I do. Dance may not be as classy as Pilates or as graceful as swimming, but the mat exercises and occasional turbo jam that come along with it are really serious work. Honestly, I have a special aversion to mat workouts. The only saving thing is the wonderful music that we use - a great version of "Now We Are Free" from the soundtrack of Gladiator.

And this EWF song from the 70's insists that you will find peace of mind on the floor.

Maybe. The mirror before me dares me to smile and invites me to move and have fun. Monday nights to let you loosen up and claim that deep sleep. But not yet because I still have a real load of work to do.

With this song playing like a pernicious record in my head, I'm also taking note to renew my membership with Sports Avenue this Wednesday.

Actually I plan to stop and maybe really pursue boxing, but I owe this great new Bratz doll I got yesterday a fighting chance. To stand back 'cuz it's not just about how you play, but about how hot you look when you win. And dancers are athletes too!

So... let this groove get you to move. It's alright, alright! Let this groove set in your shoes. Stand up, alright!

Shared the spice of life for an hour on the dance floor. Time to really work.

Friday, May 18, 2007

never enough of black

Vera Wang Black Velvet Tulle Trim Sash Tie Dress

Tadashi Black Stretch Lace Panel Sheath Dress

Vera Wang Black Jersey Three-Fourths Sleeve Portrait Gown

I say, a girl can never have enough basic black dresses!
Now, where to?

Photos: Bluefly

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

strep throat and a heavy heart

I read a few years ago that "weekend afternoon" are the two most beautiful English words put together. With the day just done, I ponder and propose that the best two words, when together, are rather these: "ordinary miracles".

Today has been a miserable mixture. With my throat killing me, my burning forehead signaling the fever, and all my energy vanished in a haze of illness, I was confirmed for strep throat. Then I started to languish, not only because of the loss of appetite and the yearning to stay in bed, but also because of a heart that houses a longing and a desire that was hanging by a thread.

I wished for a massage, for anything that would provide comfort. How marvelous it would have been if i was visited by an ordinary miracle! The kind that comes creeping during spring, or on a sunny summer day like this.

I kept my mobile phone closed. I refused to work. I wanted to revive my spirit and reclaim the pleasure of staying at home and really be at home and not slave away on some office-related work. I resolved not to take in stress into my life more than is needed.

I went through the day like I was in a haze, ending up lying down in the tv room bed and asking our home au pair to comb my hair to relieve my headaches. The only clear thing was the weight of Annika when she stretched out on top of me and Angela's small limbs curled alongside me.

Spooning clammy oatmeal with milk, i wondered if I have run out of magic. But I knew and believed that nobody runs out of miracles! And I badly need one. One that will let my fly in September.

When the sun started to go down, I opened the desktop and found Jason online. I told him about my predicament and from our conversation that was interspersed with the latest Nokia models, I realized that I have to weigh the importance of what I want, be clear with what I want to do should I not be allowed to have it, and be ready for consequences. Some guys are always willing to ram in some common sense into my weightless head.

I opened another message window and I started a dialogue with Monsignor Joy. The priest who officiated my wedding, Monsignor Joy was the kind of person with whom it was so easy for me to transport from predicament to problem. But he was always accommodating, and ever helpful to give me guidance. Without pride nor arrogance, he reminded me that God gives messages through the people of my life, and that I have to listen closely and discern if I am indeed hearing the right things, or only the things I want to hear.

Armed with resolve in what I can do in one hand and the humility to accept what is God's will for me in another, I welcomed the horn of Mike's car, the sound of the garage gate opened by the house guard, and the call that dinner is served. I went to Mike and asked for a hug. When the dazzling and extraordinary life-altering marvels are lacking, a hug is more than enough in the whole world.

With a back rub from Mike and my Erythromycin tablets, I prepared to call it a night. And I prayed that an ordinary miracle happens to me. Maybe not one that would lead me to Netherlands, but one that would help me restore my soul, clear my mind, fortify my will, and stabilize my emotions. And yes, to cure my strep throat.

With that thought, I shall go to sleep.

Monday, May 14, 2007

wait til you see who's elected

It is usually not me to recycle and repost materials without making them mine first, but there is this interesting story that's going around in emails:

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Heaven, God was missing for six days. Eventually, Michael the Archangel found him, resting on the seventh day. He inquired of God, "Where have you been?"

God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed downwards through the clouds, "Look, Michael. Look what I've made." Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, "What is it?"

"It's a planet," replied God, "and I've put Life on it. I'm going to call it Earth and it's going to be a great place of balance."

"Balance?" inquired Michael, still confused. God explained, Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth, but cold and harsh while pointing to different parts of earth. "For example, southern Europe is going to be poor but sunny and pleasant."

"I have made some lands abundant in water and other lands parched deserts. This one will be extremely hot, while this one will be very cold and covered in ice."

The Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to a group of islands and said, "What are those?"

"Ah," said God. "That's the Philippines, the most glorious place on earth. There are beautiful beaches, rivers, mountains and forests. The people from the Philippines are going to be handsome, modest, intelligent and humorous and they are going to be found traveling the world. They will be extremely sociable, hardworking and high achieving and they will be known throughout the world as carriers of peace and love."

Michael gasped in wonder and admiration but then proclaimed, "What about balance, God? You said there would be balance."

God replied wisely, "Wait until you see their leaders."

It's election day. This sounds trite advice, but vote wisely!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

not in the cookie-cutter batch

It's another Mother's Day and notwithstanding the many voices preaching it's another commercialized celebration that will only boost sales of flower shops - let it be. My goodness, don't flower shops deserve just a day in a year to be busy and get a 200% margin?

I am a mom now for the past nine years. Admittedly though, I think it's still a long way for me to become a full-pledged one. I fear I do not have what it takes to deliver the full works of motherhood.

I was reminded a week ago that people would define a good mother as one who made sandwiches for the next day's snack boxes, rinsed out the popcorn bowls, took meat out of the freezer for supper the following evening, checked the cereal box levels, filled the sugar container, put spoons and bowls on the table, started the coffee pot for brewing the next morning, put some wet clothes in the dryer, put a load of clothes into the washer, ironed a shirt, secured a loose button, picked up the game pieces left on the table, put the phone back on the charger, put the telephone book into the drawer, watered the plants, emptied a wastebasket and hung up a towel to dry - all between dinner and the time she washed for the night.

I do not do those things. I am adamant that my daughters pick up their toys and books and return them to the cabinet.

A good mother wrote a note to the teacher, counted out some cash for the fieldtrip, pulled a text book out from hiding under the chair, signed a birthday card for a friend, addressed and stamped the envelope, wrote a quick note for the grocery store, put some water into the dog's dish, put the cat outside, made sure the doors were locked and the patio light was on, looked in on each of the kids, turned out their bedside lamps, hung up a shirt, threw some dirty socks into the hamper, set the alarm, laid out clothing for the next day, and straightened up the shoe rack - all between washing time and going to bed.

I do not do those things. I insist that my husband make sure that the dog is fed and all the doors are closed, even if it means he leaves his television show or his computer game for 2 precious minutes. And that time I wrote to a teacher, the whole page composition felt like an affidavit and a lecture rolled into one.

So if we go by these old roles set for mothers, then I am so not full time and so not a model. But I hope my intentions are good.

I study, because of my post-graduate classes. There are a number of nights I could only co-coach my daughters, but I hope they saw that education should be valued and mastery of the subject and good grades need dedication.

I write, because in the work that I have, a good 80% of it is spent on composing letters, proposals, counter-proposals, articles, and reports. I may often be facing the screen, but my daughters have learned to queue for the desktop, and have started to create their own essays and stories.

I exercise, because I have dance and gym nights to work out the heart, the muscles and the back. I utterly fear it may be shallow vanity, but the two girls now know what fitness is, and that not gaining the unnecessary weight is a healthy choice you have to be working at.

I raise my voice, because I feel. I do not pass up a chance to indicate that I am mad if my daughters do wrong, and I do not believe in just being friends with them. I am a mom and not only do I have responsibility over them, I yield it with authority too.

And I share. My husband actively takes a portion of the task of parenthood. And because he has more free and flexible time than I do, he was even the official guardian of the girls during their summer school for the past two months. He buys three-fourths of the total comic books that the girls have, and he is the one who brings them to the dentist, because I am just so afraid of blood and all the witchery happening in that specific clinic.

Oh I love being a mom! I am keen of the chance to be a witness and a guide to two smart, loudly opinionated, fast-growing, sweet daughters.

But I am certain that motherhood is just one of the many things I can be. And I am sure I would not opt to be a wretched hapless individual in order to gain the best mother in the land award. I know that the balance of the other roles I choose to play all contribute to my lifelong performance of motherhood.

My husband asked what I want for Mother's Day. My office tote bag is getting frayed in the handles and I knew he was wanting to give me a new one for the occasion. But that is so obvious and so sensible! It's Mother's Day, for crying out loud! It's a day a mom could get what she wants, not what she needs!

I smile, knowing I would make the girls gush and their eyes grow wide. I've picked my pretty expensive Mother's Day gift. I've picked my latest exclusive edition Barbie doll.

Clipart: Grandma's Graphics

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

from this new vantage point

Today, if I were to pick the real time that we've done it, is the day we officially have transferred to the new office.

We took almost half of the month of April remodeling and cleaning and moving in the furniture and fixtures, conducted the special trustees meeting last April 28 for the blessing of the area, and began facilitating official transactions since May 1.

But today, the gallery of chamber presidents was finally set up the way I want it, one of the keys went missing, and the Teamwork frame I love so much fell down to the floor and broke into pieces as a viva! signal. And we took our photos and have imprinted a couple of office areas with our smiles and laughter.

There, we have made this space our own. We have arrived!

Cagayan de Oro Chamber of Commerce & Industry Foundation, Inc.
2nd Floor, Tia Nanang's Building Corrales Street, Cagayan de Oro City

Sunday, May 06, 2007

wired and wild

It was this Xavier University MBA summer class on Financial Management. My group was working on a business case. Analyze it, provide recommendations, and most of all, present it in class.

I knew that talking about it will not be enough for me. So I convinced the other eight members of the group that we present the case through a BBC World News report. It would be like a special feature where a panel of personalities involved in the issue shall be discussing about the case. They agreed to the concept.

That was just what I needed to set me off to the moon. Or let us say, to the desktop, and the Internet.

LimeWire: The music was the foremost requirement. I wanted the theme music of BBC News. I was able to download two versions.

Google Search: I looked up BBC logos and images. Got some still shots of the news station's ident that featured the various countries that the news company covers.

PhotoFiltre: The BBC logo will go with the intro music of BBC World News. But the JPEG files need a little cropping. And resigning to the fact that I could not convert them into a higher resolution, I racked my brains some more. You can pick Barbie and remodel the walls and furniture of her apartment. This provided an intermission to my ongoing mission.

You Tube: What if I can have it animated already? Moving pictures are always better than static ones. Found a good number of available videos of BBC intros.

At this point, I arrived at a wall. How could I move that video from live broadcast to the Compaq laptop as a file which I can manipulate into the AVP? Summoning Mike from his monthly competition at the Del Monte Golf Course, I learned that I have to wait for him. Texting and waiting was such a blah combination. Checked the PPV boxing game of De La Hoya and Mayweather. It reported - In a closely contested match in which neither man was able to master the other, Floyd Mayweather, Jr. won a loudly booed split decision over Oscar De La Hoya to claim the World Boxing Council super welterweight title before a sellout crowd at the Grand Garden Arena.

Yahoo Search: Mike finally came home from his golf game and work on the AVP was uphill from thereon. Yet the video files of You Tube, if when indeed, you're able to download them, are in FLV format. Searched the trick on how to convert them into AVI Files.

Yahoo Answers: Real-life quests and questions need real-life solutions. Got a tip on how to convert them online, and for free at that!

Media Convert: The answer to my problem.

Windows Media Maker: With all the tools I needed with me, I was ready to compose my introduction. After a lot of patient tweaking and aligning and dragging, I saved my work into a movie file.

Media Player Classic: Watched the report introduction with a big grin. My work is done! I can show this to the guys!

Hurrying to the group's meeting, I just could not stop being amazed at the endless possibilities when I am in front of the computer screen. And pleased with the fact that from that position I take
in the workstation at home, I could make what I want - mine.

I just fervently hope that our report content and conclusion would rightfully deserve that introduction.

Friday, May 04, 2007

month of may, here i am!

Your birthdate: August 23
You are an adventurer.

You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem.
You're good at so much - you never know what to do.
Change is in your blood,
and you don't stick too much for long.
You are destined for a life of travel and fun.

Your strength: Your likeability
Your weakness: You never feel satisfied
Your power color: Bright yellow
Your power symbol: Asterisk
Your power month: May

Thursday, May 03, 2007

setting it in motion

The Cagayan de Oro Chamber, with its Creation of Opportunities and Resources Management for Enterprises (CORE) Project, and through the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, forged a partnership with the office of Sen. Kiko Pangilinan in his Regional Opportunities for Enterprise and Livelihood (PROPEL) Development Program.

Out of this CORE-PROPEL partnership, the ORO CHAMBER delivers its services along BMBE advocacy, capacity building and product development for entrepreneurs.

Today the CORE-PROPEL Project undertakes the 2nd BMBE Conference. With the BMBE or the Barangay Micro Business Enterprise considered as the center of the local economy, the ORO CHAMBER includes in its priority areas of services, especially the provision of assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises in their applications for BMBE registration.

The BMBE development program is aided by the enactment of the BMBE Act last 2002 through RA No. 9178. The BMBE law provides generous incentives and guarantees financing opportunities, and the local business community, through the ORO CHAMBER , conducted the 1st BMBE Conference last 2005 to spur the information dissemination and advocacy for the law. Two years hence, the chamber had gained a lot of experiences from its facilitating task for the BMBE.

The 2ND BMBE Conference shall endeavor to present market updates and developments to participating entrepreneurs, highlight experiences of and inquiries from community-based and BMBE-registered enterprises, call on implementing and partner agencies to address problems from the field, and to provide the next steps to help enable the BMBE law relevant and fully effective.

Looking forward to a fruitful activity for all participants, the ORO CHAMBER constantly shares the country’s aspirations of priming up business activities, increasing production, providing employment, and contributing toward the improvement of our economy.

* Opening notes to the 2nd Barangay Micro Business Enterprises Conference on May 3 at the Pearlmont Hotel.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

bound for the beach

The fashion alert says that stripes are so back this season.
And hello? An early morning dip is totally cool.
Oh, if only there were no weeds in the water, blech!
Whatever, one summer day for fun coming right up!

* Lauremar Beach Resort